Contemporary Angels, 2021 - Ongoing
This series was created in collaboration with the models. The intention behind these images is to reflect the inner/spiritual world of the subjects being portrayed. My belief is that the future of art and more specifically, photography – is to reconcile our notion of representation as a culture – by giving the power back to the person being portrayed.”
Puppy's Hysterical Revelations, 2014
“[Hysteria] is a question addressed at the authority that defines my identity… the hysterical position is that of doubt which is an extremely productive position.”
-Slavoj Zizek
Puppy’s Hysterical Revelations is a mixed-media installation that explores the potentials of the body when the institutions that regulate it are questioned. It takes special focus on normativity that controls sexuality, reproduction, pleasure, and identity. It aims to propose an understanding of the body as malleable, its capacity for pleasure as promising, and the creation of family and heritage outside the boundaries of reproduction as favourable. The motif of the BDSM leather puppy mask is used to illustrate the following concepts: the power dynamics within sexuality; the dominance individuals are subjected to by institutions; the idea of the sexually perverted or deviant; and the instinctual, animalistic nature of sexuality. The project is influenced by baroque art, surrealism, chapel art, and science fiction.
The Path of Least Resistance, 2011
The spiral is the shape in which many organisms grow and are structured, it is the shape in which most elements move, it is the shape in which energy flows, it is the path of least resistance. From immense nebulae in space, to the microscopical particle decay; From the hair crown on a person’s head, to the whirlpool that get’s formed when you pull out the plug in a tub. The spiral is by fact, the most recurrent shape in nature, and like this, there are many other patterns that get repeated all along the universe, yet we have failed to implement aspects like this in our society. Knowing that nature has been going through tasks for millennia, solving problems we are going through just now; We stubbornly refuse to give nature the credit it deserves. I believe we are swimming against the current, building a society in the same form that our minds are shaped: square. Our mentality doesn’t match with the way the land is structured; We are destroying what may be our only ally, yet ironically we are a part of this thing we call nature, right? or aren’t we?